Tag Archives: Comic Convention

July 2012 Reading Batch

I had a good haul this weekend.

There was an event last July 1, an Indieket (a smaller-scale version of a Komikon), and I found a lot more interesting titles than the last convention.

From the local talents…

Manila Automat Prmier by Mica Agregado; EM Zine by Trizha Ko, Francine Yulo, Ronaldo Recto, Wino Puanco, and Noel Villa; a certain artist’s journalHorsemen by Sere Cruz; Windmills I: Bearly Standing, Windmills 2: Bearkdowns, Windmills 3, Windmills 4: I’m Gonna Be-ar, and Taking the Train by Josel Nicolas; and Pugad Baboy Vols. 1 and 24 by Pol Medina Jr.

I also found these as added bonuses from the only Western comic outlet in the event:

Sandman Issue #17 and 74

And, on the way home, I dropped by another Booksale branch on the way home and I also just happened to stumble upon these:

A mind-screwing serial killer and a cymbal-playing toy monkey… I’ll be seeing these in my dreams…

Here’s to a fun better-half of the year…

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Filed under Collection Highlights, The Comic Corner